

Make it count
I wish you could see you like I see you
I wish you could see how much love you carry in your heart
I wish you could see the selflessness you display with everyone around you
Despite all the bullies, critics and trauma, you still believe in the goodness of others
And you continue to trott the world with curious optimism
I know you have the attention span of a bird, and watching movies is a pain for you
I know you rewatch your favorite shows all the time, because you hate suprises
And chicken wings followed by coffee and a blueberry muffin is your comfort food
You hate the club, and prefer a cosy night in
And 70's music entices you more than anything of today
I also know you yearn for companionship and many teary nights wish you had a shoulder to cry on
I know you lean on alcohol as a numbing effect to life's trouble,
The guilt you feel when you fall back into that thing the Almighty already freed you from
And the grief in your soul from feeling like you're not doing enough

I want you to know that everything won't fall into place in one day, and you should be easier on yourself
Rejoice in your wins, learn from your defeats
You've come so far from where you once were, and it could only become better from here on out
Live in the moment, and don't think too far ahead
The past cannot be changed and tomorrow's not promised, live the next hour as if its your last
Laugh, hug, eat as much as you need to
Tell the people closest to you, that you love them, all the time, annoyingly
And be the light you want to see in the world
You only get one shot at this life thing
Make it count.

a letter to me,