

A poem for mom 🖤💜
Darker days
Sleepless nights
Life is even harder since our final goodbye
You taught me so very much
And loved me even more
You showed me how to fight but survive even more

You were my leader
My best friend
My protector

We clashed at times
I would get upset with you
Even though it was your love you would speak through.

You only wanted what was best for me, for my colors to shine true

I've let you down times again. These lessons in life although. Are mine to learn.

My choices made us distant but closer than ever.
You're one and only wish was for me to endeavor.

So I write this now, a message to me and you
To not let you down is my life long goal and promise to you

To do my best to be the best of me, and to be honest and trustworthy to those around me.

To be be kind, loving, and supporting.. just like you.

Because you were always the one behind me, telling me to be strong.

Happy birthday mom

Who would have been 51...

Chris munkres 02/01/2020