

You Say You Love The Rain
You say you love the rain,
but open your umbrella.
You say you love the sun
but you find a shadow spot.
You say you love the wind,
but you close your windows.
This is why I'm afraid
When you say you love me.

I do love the rain,
Yet not the coldness it brings.
I do love the sun,
Yet not the burning sensation it gives.
I do love the wind,
Yet not the strong gust it blows.
I do love you,
Yet your doubt tears us apart.

I do love the rain
But its coldness brings shivers so ill
I do love the sun
But its warmth turns skin to scars
I do love the wind
But its howl blows me afar
How can I love you
When doubt tears us apart

I love the rain,
But it soaks my dress so heavy.
I love the sun,
But it scars my sensitive skin.
I love the wind,
But it blows my papers away.
How can I love you,
If doubt is found in your heart.

I do love the rain,
Even when its coldness make me ill.
I do love the sun,
Even when my skin gets rashy and burns.
I do love the wind,
Even when the gust blows my papers away.
I truly do love you,
But your fear somehow makes it impossible to do so.
© reyelm