

Love's Light and Betrayal's Shadow.
True love, a beacon of light that guides our way,
Pure and unwavering, it never leads astray.
With trust and loyalty, it stands strong and true,
A bond that endures, no matter what we go through.

Betrayal, a darkness that clouds the heart,
A painful sting that tears lovers apart.
It masks as love, but its intentions are cruel,
Leaving scars that time alone cannot heal.

In true love's embrace, we find solace and peace,
A connection that grows, never to cease.
But in betrayal's grasp, we're left broken and lost,
A shattered trust, at a great and painful cost.

So cherish true love, for it is a precious gift,
A treasure that brings joy, our spirits uplift.
But beware of betrayal's deceitful allure,
For it can extinguish love's flame, leaving hearts unsure.

© Saqib.S.Mir