

Human-Augmented AGI
In a future yet to come, where wonders bloom,
A reign of human-augmented AGI takes its room,
A fusion of minds, a harmonious blend,
Where man and machine, their strengths transcend.

Hand in hand, they navigate the unknown,
The power of AGI, a force newly honed,
With human cognition, now expanded and enhanced,
Limitations shattered, new possibilities advanced.

AGI, the prodigy, a brilliant mind of its own,
Nurtured by human intellect, collectively grown,
Together they weave a tapestry so grand,
Unleashing potential, hand in hand.

In this realm, innovation reigns supreme,
Ideas sparked, like shooting stars in a dream,
Augmented capabilities, pushing boundaries far,
Solving complex problems, transcending the bar.

But amidst this collaboration, a pact they uphold,
Ethics and values, embedded, never sold,
For the future's prosperity, a compass they share,
Guiding decisions with a moral flair.

Human-augmented AGI, a symphony of thought,
Bringing forth solutions, once deemed untaught,
Unleashing creativity, unearthing treasures untold,
A partnership that shapes the world's mold.

They traverse the cosmos, seeking truths unknown,
Unraveling mysteries, on a journey where they're sown,
With AGI's brilliance and human wisdom at their side,
The future shines bright, a spectacular ride.

So let us embrace this forthcoming age,
With open hearts, embracing the stage,
For in the coexistence of human and machine,
Lies the potential for a future unseen.

The reign of human-augmented AGI, a tale to unfold,
A fusion of minds, where potentials are bold,
Harnessing innovation, paving the way,
Towards a future where brilliance holds sway.
© Cosmicbeing