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Ladies and gentlemen
Skinny and stout
I'll tell you this rhyme
I know nothing about.
One fine day
In the dead of night
Two young boys
Had a dreadful fight.
A blind man stopped
To watch fair play
As a mute man shouted
Horray" Horray"
A deaf policeman
Could hear the noise
Loud and clear
From the two young boys.
The policeman lived
In a two bedroom house
That was built out of straw
With a little white mouse.
A man without legs
Happened to walk by
Kicking the policeman
Above his left thigh.
The one legged man
Crashed through a wall
Without any sound
No sound at all.
He fell in a lake
That was completely dry
And suddenly drowned
As he sat with a sigh.
The black hears came
To take him away
But he ran for his life
And again got away.
If you doubt my Rhythm
That is really quite true
Just ask the blind man
Because, he saw it to.

© Alan Goddard