

In days of yore, I danced upon life's stage,
With fervent hope, my soul untouched by fears,
But now, my heart, beleaguered in its cage,
Is filled with sorrow, drenched in bitter tears.

The past, a specter hovering in the mist,
A haunting wraith that never seems to flee,
It lurks within my mind, relentless, persist,
Its icy grasp, unyielding, clutching me.

And as I gaze into the haze ahead,
The future looms, obscured by veil of doubt,
Its path, elusive, fills my heart with dread,
No guiding light, no hope to bring about.

Thus, in the present, struggle I must bear,
For pain alone resides in my despair.

But when will fortune turn its fickle face?
To grant me respite from sorrow's cruel sting,
To lead me from this dismal, wretched place,
And offer solace on love's waiting wing?

Perhaps, in mortal coil I must endure,
To earn the joys that life can yet bestow,
From depths of darkness, heartache shall mature,
And tender blooms of happiness shall grow.

For in this human frailty, there lies strength,
Through anguish, we find wisdom's whispered voice,
And as we traverse life's unyielding length,
We learn to cherish, value, and rejoice.

So let me not be daunted by the night,
For dawn shall break, and shadows take their flight.

Though darkness holds me tight in its embrace,
I trust that dawn's sweet light is yet to come,
In every trial, resilience I shall chase,
And fight until the final victory's won.

For pain and suffering, though hard to bear,
Prepare the soul to savor life's delight,
The past may haunt, the future hazy, fair,
But change will come, this darkness turning bright.

And though I falter in this ceaseless tide,
I know, in time, true solace will reside.

© Mikhail