Once upon a laundry day,
In a house of careless sway,
A sock was left upon the floor,
While parents dashed right out the door.
The sock, unloved, began to fray,
But what’s a sock to say, “Hey, stay”?
No time to fold, no time to care,
Just throw the socks and comb the hair.
Ignored by two who paid the bills,
Too busy scaling office hills.
The sock cried out, "Oh, look at me!
Am I not part of your family?"
But silence met the lonely plea,
The parents lost in ‘me, me, me.’
No cuddles, hugs, or bedtime prayers—
In a house of careless sway,
A sock was left upon the floor,
While parents dashed right out the door.
The sock, unloved, began to fray,
But what’s a sock to say, “Hey, stay”?
No time to fold, no time to care,
Just throw the socks and comb the hair.
Ignored by two who paid the bills,
Too busy scaling office hills.
The sock cried out, "Oh, look at me!
Am I not part of your family?"
But silence met the lonely plea,
The parents lost in ‘me, me, me.’
No cuddles, hugs, or bedtime prayers—