

good bye my bad friend
In the night I hear it.
In the day it’s there.
I see it in the way people look.
Your no good.
Your fat.
The clothes look riridiculous.
Not even your parents like you.
Your friends laugh at you.
The only reason you have a pet is that you feed it.
When you die who will know.
Who will care?
All alone rreally.
Your wife is trapped with you.
She has nothing.
She hates you.
The day you die is a blessing.
Why not do it.
Get that knife.
Slice your wrists.
Get them pills.
Pop them like sweeties.
You have a belt.
Put it around your neck.
Have a wank and make it look like an accident.
That could be fun.
Get in your car and see how fast it goes.
But cut the beak pipes first.
Can you see that train?
Fuck the people who have to get somewhere.
The voice is relentless.
I can belt it.
My girl needs me.
Fuck you satan not today.
My cat needs me.
I’m not useless.
I am good at my job.
People do care.
I can speak to people.
I can ask for help.
I can lose weight.
Fuck you voice.
I am me and I will not give.
I’m here for her.
I say I will do anything for her.
So here I am.
I will be here until my end.
Not yours.
I am her hero.
A hero does not quit.
If I give in to you.
I am all you said and worse.
I will get help.
You are nothing.
Your grip is slack.
With help you will be gone.

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