

maintaining my mind inside prison Walls
ignoring reality when she calls
stressing on the day when they let me go
knowing that the grass will grow in the wind will blow
you have to be doing time to relate
because the convict stands firmly on only his faith
I can't let my life go to waste I only have one
and I can't depend on my friends cuz I really have none
I wonder I'll I be 5 years from now I hope it gets better
I don't know it tomorrow brings it's like predicting the weather
but still I wake up with a smile on my face
knowing that one day freedom I will soon taste
life is like a decision made without a hesitation
or it's like driving somewhere with no destination
it's been a few years so I'm ready to go
I'm desiring to hear a voice I know I lay on my rack and I look at my pictures
I look at my family and I say I miss them
my mother wrote the other day and she promised she's fine
she hates her son is incarcerated doing this time
but to help me do the time I stay on the phone
or I sit in the day room waiting on letters from home
so when times get rough I close my eyes and I say
the rest of my life will be the best of my life