

Human Plague
Fear not my savage form, my wicked ways and sinful thoughts . As I’ve morphed from human to monster throughout the years, season filled path that displays memories of the past that hinder your present.  Nonstop relentless river of emotions that flow through my veins.  Mutant muscles deformed by constant pressure created by anxiety.  Shapeless shadow that that follows my path. Dagger like fangs that grew over night. Fear not these jet black eyes, my gruesome smile. Shaped by the darkness, pluck of the vile .I’ve been raised by the cruel and the unforgiving. By the ways of this world I was born. Led by rulers of the weak and stories our dead. I am because you are. Blame not the present but the past who forged it. Fear not the apple but who planted the tree. Wicked by nature but sinful by kind. Fear me not, as I am the harvest of your season.  The consequences of your generation reflected by your faults. Fear me not but the generation I will give birth as they will be born forgetting the very burden you created.  Dammed to genetics and paths you’ve dug up.  Evil relics that lay in our paths disguised as heroes and honor.

Fear the plague that we are.

© Arthur Normal