

Live Even

All I have seen and learned got me saying, Live even! Be kind and be harsh because your hand has a front and a back

The bright people are difficult to define because both colors are evenly aligned. But in your mind, to every east, there is a west

Acknowledged none of them is the best. So use them wisely as you lift your chest and allow others to take the rest

Stop acting like God
Just listen don't judge
Even if you heard who started the noise. There is always deception in the evil voice

Once a woman needed a job. She had 7 children and their father was sick like a curse from heaven. Everyone pities her story and their desire to help her place them in a hurry

Oh yeah! That's what a kind person will have in mind. But those who are well inclined will seek God's instruction before showing compassion.

Pray 🙏 as you think, say, and do daily. This will help you and protect you greatly. Hmmm, so they found a job and offered her a good income as well.

A pity at heart is not something pleasant to God. Appreciate people at every level or else you will welcome the devil and regret it tomorrow

The lady in need was under a spell. She was being used as a medium to steal others' blessings and cast spells that would preserve her sick husband's life.

You'll never understand the true nature of God until you seek Him first over acting good or bad. Always say Lord Jesus, here am I.

I am good when I can be
And bad when I should be
Only a person without priority will always give things out when they are asked for assistance

But a wise person uses pretense as a form of defense. And it is not about a substance, it provides the spectrum to understand humans and avoid those errors that are common

Since this lady came around. Health issues became alarming and harmed people from many angles. Unlikely God is not man. He knows and speaks as we ask, seek, and knock on the heavenly door

Soon the need for prayers
Became the most active line. Then the fire that sees beyond our realm got activated. Confusion and misinterpretation enter the city. The lady who acted as if she needed to speak out like she had graduated

The power of God consumes her spell and rings an alert bell. You can leave now and your life has improved now. This confusion is of the devil

Hmmm, God made it happen because from that point onward the sick man died, the lady was relieved, and the city turned to God.

After all, everything became even clearer. Both good and bad can be used to guide your reasoning if you are not focusing on playing God. Just live even

© Jarry B Blie