

Whispers of Confidence: A Dance with Ego's Shadow.
In the mirror of life, find your glow,
Confidence whispers, letting you know.
Not a loud ego, but a gentle might,
In your own worth, take delight.

Stand like a tree, roots firm and deep,
Confidence's secret, a promise to keep.
No need for ego to loudly proclaim,
In quiet strength, you'll find your aim.

Embrace challenges with a steady stride,
Confidence in your heart, nowhere to hide.
Let ego's storm pass, a fleeting cloud,
True confidence, humble and proud.

Believe in yourself, a quiet flame,
Ego may flicker, but it's not the same.
Hold your head high, with grace and poise,
Confidence speaks in calm, authentic voice.
© Saqib Sarwar Mir