

Halloween's Out!!🎃
All your work seems vain
And you want to scream out
That you're struggling
To pause, To breathe, To keep up
And on a rare evening
You're sitting on a park bench alone
Clad in a sweater
Glad for the peace
You watch orange and red leaves
And they remind you of your life before
Getting Pumpkin spice lattes
Sleepovers with best friends from High School
Going crazy on roads, acting like fools
Dressing up on Halloween
Go out trick for treating
Wearing the same color as your best friend
So that you both can twin
The entire family came together
And the perfect kind of chilly weather
Soon came Christmas with all it's carols
And once upon a time Santa was real
A white blanket covered the world
Just as cheer spread around like glitter
Stuck to our skin
Slowly the snow melts away
And the summer sun greets
Ice creams on hot afternoon
And cute boys and girls on the beach made us swoon
The top of the Ferry Wheel felt like the top of the world
And the cotton candies and the sky looked the same
And then came the rain
With jumping into puddles
And one umbrella with us huddled
And the last leaf fell off the tree
I picked my bag and made my way back to the present
Somethings are just beautiful because they don't last long
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