

The Little Mouse Of Verona (part one)
The little mouse of verona
is such a cheeky chap
he lives by the quiet riverbank
and sells the tourists a map.

The little mouse of verona
plays the accordion all day long
if you ask, and pay him a penny
he'll play your favourite song.

The little mouse of verona
wears a small blue pin stripped suite
he joined the animal marching band
so he could learn to play the flute.

The little mouse of verona
eats cheese crumbs he has found
and when he starts to use his voice
OH! what an heavenly sound.

The little mouse of verona
holds a party in the park
with music, food, fun and games
people will stay until it gets dark.

The little mouse of verona
wonders home to his small little den
he will sleep until the morning comes
then he will do it all again.

(from the works of Jason Carr)
© Jaycarr1971