

Finding Happiness
Dear happiness
Thank you for making me realize
That you exist
In the smallest of things in this world

All these days I was searching for you
In the exotic dishes in big restaurants
But I found you in the home cooked food
I had with my loving family of four
I found you when I realized
That God has given me a dad
Who can advice me
On anything and everything in this world

I found you
When I was able to bake a cake
For my mom on her birthday
And also when
I was able to tie the raakhi
On my brother's hand after years

I found you
When I got a chance to make a rangoli
With my grandma last year on diwali
And also when
I realized that I have got true friends
Who in my tough times make sure
That I am fine every now and then

Thank you dear happiness😊
© theSoulSpeaks