

Self esteem
Most of the time, we underestimate ourselves,
How do I know my capacity,
Am ignorant of my ability,
Some do it effortlessly.
Why is your's different?

Steady yourself,
Train yourself,
pick up yourself,
These they yell at me,
Nevertheless, I tried my best,
Maybe I can never be good enough.

I don't feel confident enough,
But in my closet am always enough.
So what's the reason when am around these eyes I can't breathe fine,
Why does their face look like a stamp of disapproval?

Tonight I come out for me,
To break the barrier.
I guess I trusted too much in their approval.
Tonight, I do it for me,
I want to make myself proud,
No pressure, am a star, and I know it.

I don't look forward to impress,
I just want to be myself.
Be that woman I see in the mirror,
Smiling back at me.

I don't care about the stage,
It's just me dancing in the spotlight.
Tonight I want to make history in my pajamas,
And break a record without pressure.

It's time to slay the monsters,
it's time to be invisible.
So I wear my jacket of self-esteem,
And my amour of confidence,
Tonight I want to be the best I can be.

© Mentron Dc