

Love so amazing

A mellifluous whisper my heart could hear.
Something only I seemed to adhere.
And I met the guy.

He was waiting whistling the tunes warmly.
Under the willow tree.
The day we met he held my soul silently.
Between us was a distance as far as eyes couldn't see.
Nevertheless the day did come when he was on his knee.

His eyes were rich with regard.
And his lips!
They held the honesty worth zillions.
Thin lined they were, pinkish to explore.
Not a lie did they deliver.
He is now mine forever.

Surely certainly he isn't perfect.
Still our hearts did seem to connect.
I didn't meet him in my college.
Neither did anyone in my school did I acknowledge.
He was as I said waiting whistling the tunes warmly.

His face didn't have that beauty untold.
He was tall but definitely not rich with diamonds and gold.
Strangely, I realized that's not what I noticed.
It was his passion to which my eyes enticed.
That's why this is love so amazing.
His stare was unfreezing.

I didn't meet him at a matrimonial site.
Nor was there ever a dinner under candlelight.
His kisses made my heart dwell in a bliss.
The touch every second I miss.
His calloused hands always held me tenderly.
In all this time, never did he hurt me even unintentionally.
I met him at the crossroads.
Until then he was waiting whistling the tunes warmly.

It was the time when high were my hormones.
And having sex was a milestone.
A friend with benefits was too prevalent.
Tonnes of boyfriends were considered excellent.
Somehow he was still waiting whistling the tune warmly.

I did search, scared of staying alone.
Silently praying to find someone to make a home.
Watching my friends give away their gift.
Wondering when will I fit.
Until my heart leaped for the guy waiting whistling the tunes warmly.
At the crossroads he was there.
Life never seemed more fair!

It was worth every minute of the wait.
Love was late.
But anyone else if I had chosen, O dear! my life I would hate.
He didn't appear magically.
It took time to trust a stranger fully.
Crossroads of my life!
O weren't they something!
Made me question everything

"Get married you are a girl",society persuaded.
"Get married you are growing old", friends quoted.
"Get married you before we die",relatives ignited.
"Do you need help to find someone?",the neighbors intruded.
"GET MARRIED!",almost everyone exploded.

Twinkling stars in the daylight I used to see.
Parents seemed irritable.
All people wanted is that I make my life presentable.
Confused to core.
I walked along the shore.
Then to a whistle my heart leaped.
Recognition into my face creeped.
It was the whistle waiting with tunes of warmth.

Alas I tell thee.
Time may flee.
Don't let these crossroads deter you.
He will come.
As mine did.
All the while waiting whistling the tunes warmly.

His love is amazing.
I met him as a perfect stranger.
Today I daresay no one to my heart can be more closer.
The tune of love brought us together.
I get to spend with him life until forever.
This made the love even more amazing .

In days with high hormones,sex,kisses.
Someone is there for you too.
Can you hear it now?
That someone is waiting whistling the tunes warmly for you.
That day his love for you will be amazing.
"Love so amazing",his sweet tune you will hear unfailing.

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