

missing pieces

Maybe we aren't together anymore,
And you're trying to move on;
You want to forget me, tell me how can you now?
Aren't your walls haunted by memories, like mine are, somehow?

Doesn't your heart ache, like mine does for you?
Don't you see our past in your phone, like I do too?
Doesn't your laughter echo our days, like mine always plays?
Don't the nights feel colder, without our embrace,

When you sit alone, don't your tears fall, like mine do still?
Don't you feel the urge to text me again, like I always will ?
Don't you open and re-read our words, like I do sometimes because it fills
Doesn't each empty moment stretch longer, like it does in my heart?

Doesn't it hurt, this empty space, like it does for me?
Am I not in everything you see, like you are for me?
Don't you hear my name in every sound, like I hear yours all around?
Don't you feel the weight of silence, pressing down, like I do, endlessly?

Don't you try to find out what's new in my life, like I do with you?
Don't you love me, or did you ever, like I love you true?
For my heart still beats with your name, like it used to do.
Don't you feel the missing piece, the part that's me,
like I feel the missing piece of me?

and do you wait for me ? guess thats not true ,
like i am hoping to find you in everything thats new .
in dreams of night and light of day,
in echoes of us that don't fade away .

So tell me how you are trying to forget me,
While I search for you in every memory.
Do you bury our moments deep inside,
Or do they surface when you least expect, like a tide?

And when you look at the stars above,
Do you think of our constellation, our love?
In the quiet of night, does it whisper my name?
Or do you push it away, like a flickering flame?

And when the sun sets on another day,
Do you feel my absence in its fading ray?
Does the warmth remind you of our embrace,
Or has time erased every trace?

But deep inside, I still hold onto you,
In hopes that you feel the same way too.
© _areesha