

Deep in My Mind
So many mistakes
So many regrets
Yet my greatest sorrow
Is wrapping my hand around your neck
It’s been years since we spoke
Feels like yesterday when we met
So much love and promises
Was it straight lies?
Or truths that were bent?
We said some hateful things
Words filled with disrespect
I evolved too late
You still wanted us to end
Consume by rage
I Admit what I did
There was so much going on
I was just a boy, just a kidd
Til this day there’s alot
That I still can’t comprehend
Never wanted to argue
Never wanted to fight
Only wanted to love you
Was trying to make things right
I worked hard on myself
To give you the perfect life
Deep in my mind
You were the perfect wife
But any chance of a future
Was extinguished that night
If Fear was a candle
I made it grow so bright
You looked at me
As if I was holding a knife
Haven’t seen you since
But maybe one day in time
I can apologize in person
Hope you accept my invite
You’re the last person I hurt
I decided to never fight
I’m on a redemption arc
Hope to see you on the other side
Until then
I don’t think you’ll leave my mind

By: SilenceTheKidd
© SilenceTheKidd