

Humanidad / Humanity
Humanidad (Spanish version)

Si sientes dolor, vives,
la carne te recuerda
que habitas este mundo,
que no eres solo idea.

Si sientes el dolor ajeno,
si el llanto te conmueve,
si la pena te cala,
entonces eres humano,
posees un alma sensible,
un corazón que comprende.

En el dolor compartido,
en la compasión sentida,
la que nos une y nos hermana,
la que nos hace sentir vivos,
la que nos hace ser...
Nace la verdadera humanidad.

Humanity (English version)

If you feel pain, you are alive,
Your flesh reminds you
That you inhabit this world,
That you are not just an idea.

If you feel the pain of others,
If their tears move you,
If their sorrow pierces you,
Then you are human,
You possess a sensitive soul,
A heart that understands.

In shared pain,
In felt compassion,
That which unites us and makes us siblings,
That which makes us feel alive,
That which makes us be...
True humanity is born.

© Roberto R. Díaz Blanco