

Sleep Paralysis
A demon lays besides me in bed,
It's features dark, wicked and unnerving,
An uninvited guest, that fills me with dread
Trying to stay calm, quiet, and observing,

As each of its meter long nails taps gently at my ribcage,
Counting each individual one of my bones,
Wishing I didn't feel so caged in my mind,
Wishing I could just go fucking blind,

This eerie feeling takes my body whole,
I try and fight, and to take back control,
But like a drug, paralyses me, makes me weak,
It doesn't let me scream, It doesn't let me speak

And as I lay here, my mind alive, body dead,
And it smiles at me, staring into my eyes,
I'll wake up, come up with some lies,
So you don't know, what goes on in my head.

© Academia Villian