

Fear of non existence
As I get older I'm scared more and more everyday
of what lies ahead for me or will I be here for another
Afraid of what is yet to come
Leaving my husband and my son who is still very
Not being able to touch or hold or exist in their lives
hoping the memories they have of me will never be pushed behind a closed
Yes I'm afraid so very afraid to not exist
will i be found again by my husband
Or will I be replaced and not missed.
I wish that this life spand that will live on this earth was forever
and we didn't have to leave on short-notice
or whenever they pick our number
I want to just say to my husband and my son
I apologize for everything and all the bad I have done.
I love you both so very very much
just please don't ever forget me and I'll
always be in touch.
I want to thank you for picking me to be in both your lives
you'll always be in my heart forever even when it's time for the final

Jake Everett Burton the love of my life and my best friend I love you. Thank you for not giving up on me and always loving me. you are my world and always have been . I'm proud of you also. Your my hero!

Jacob Wayne Burton My son always my baby I'm proud of the man you have become and how you push so hard to accomplish what you need to . Never give up k I love you so much !

life is too short to hold grudges and be angry all the time . let the ones you love know how much you love and cherish them
be kind to one another and helpful too. you never know when the end will decide to choose you!
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