

In the realm of love's sweet dance,
A tale of passion and chance,
He was easy to love, yet so hard to hold.
A story of hearts that entwined,
In a bond that was both blind,
To the pain love might unfold.
In the game of love, we play,
He was the prize, I the prey,
Caught in the web of his charm.
A love that was sweet, yet so sour,
A flame that burned, yet so dull,
A tale that would leave a scar.
With open hearts, we danced,
In the light of a perfect romance,
Underneath a sky so blue.
We swung for fences, hand in hand,
In a love that seemed so grand,
Yet, he was already gone from view.
The echoes of our laughter,
Still linger in the aftermath,
Of a love that was once so pure.
Now, I'm left with memories,
Of a love that was meant to be,
In a world that's full of such allure.
So here I stand, heart aching,
As I remember the love we were making,
In the shadows of what could have been.
He was easy to love, but hard to keep,
A love that left me incomplete,
Leaving me to ponder, "What if?" again.
© प्रियंका