

Self Esteem
In a world of mirrors, reflections so bright,
A search for perfection, a never-ending fight.
We glance at our flaws, the imperfections we see,
And let them define us, set our spirits free.
But within us, a spark of beauty does reside,
A diamond unpolished, with potential to abide.
For self-esteem, it's not about outward show,
But the essence within, the spirit that glows.
Let go of the comparisons, the constant strive,
To be someone else, to live someone's life.
Embrace your uniqueness, the qualities that make you you,
The constellation of stars, shining ever true.
For in your imperfections, your strength is found,
A resilience that carries you 'round and 'round.
You've faced your fears, your doubts, and your tears,
And emerged stronger, a warrior with years.
So lift your chin high, let your spirit take flight,
For you are the masterpiece, the most radiant light.
Love yourself deeply, with every fiber of your being,
And let your self-esteem rise, like the morning's dew gleaming...
© sabha