

The Giver of Life!
The Sun rises and sets everyday,
An unbroken cycle of hope,
An awakening of expectations...
Making one forget the fears
That loomed large the previous night!

"Why fear when I'm here?"
The Sun seems to be asking all
For, everything that looked gloomy
Has turned golden by the touch of the Sun!
And each shines so bright, beautiful and so lively!

To watch the Sun as it rises every morn
Makes me realize what a blessing it's to be born!
And when those majestic hues paint the twilight Sky
My heart leaps out and is really on a high
Life trials become small and I bow before the grandeur of it all

The Sun is my hope, my guide and my friend
When I feel down, I just look up at the Sky
And whisper a message to The Sun
If the Sky is dark and the Sun I can't find
I just sleep fast to meet the Sun in the morn!