

after Storm Debby blowed Englewood
Debby brought curtains of rain

Tropical Strom

Tropical Strom

Cities like individual tiny house

Millions of them

America holds on

fifty States

Bald hawk hovered in the song

The Star-Spangled Banner never fall

Strom Debby brought heavy rain

City's surface has been hung upon curtains of rain

All day

Wind of tropical fame

Whistling endlessly

Can't wait

People can knelt their knee to Jesus's cross

People can rush out of Strom


Strom brought Englewood a shocked day

See besides the lake

Eggs of swan are floating in whirlpool

Ever be protected

Now Strom pushed away

Englewood citizen

When America heros are getting old

weakness heros in assisted living

They just like those swan eggs

No reason they lost English language living environment!

In particular

the language function of the elderly is deteriorating!!

Why America senior hero groups have been surrounded by employees don't speak English but can easily take America good paystub job?

When the gang takes control of the camera surveillance system

it is worthless__ no truth

Where is the true monitoring mechanism?

For America hero group?

Hundred of Heid like tropical flood

Controlled USA hero's building

Controlling everything in the name of management

And they don't speak...