

My Lovely Sorrow
I've seen love, but not like this.
I've been through hell,but not this much.
It just came and I succumbed
This is My Lovely Sorrow! 😭...

He hurts me like I'm nothing
I saw myself being dragged on the floor like a log of wood.
He tosses me around like trash,but I keep coming back.... I don't know why.

I lay on the floor lifeless, watching him do what he always does after... Washes off my blood like I'm some animal he just killed.
I kept on hoping that one day it will turn better.... All to no avail, it's almost impossible.

Being beaten is one thing,
But being locked up in your own home is another.
I felt like a prisoner,
A prisoner who has already given up on her dreams like an injured antelope waiting to be devoured by a wild dog.

If this love,
Then I don't want it anymore.
Is his hate going to be better?
I don't want to find out.

I finally did it!
I've made up my mind and nothing else could change it.
I severd him dinner and that was it....
I closed my eyes hearing a loud scream.
I opened them, blood all over the place.. But the sweetest part was....
The killer was no more.

This is just a tip of....
© A.S.A