...and a whole Yang
...and even then, still, just a whole half.
My whole self, would be, incomplete, without, you.
Even in contentment with my own being...
my whole self, would be, incomplete, without, you.
am i to hack the divine programming?
We were wired this way.
Courtesy of the grand architect of the universe--made without tools.
We made tools to build.
Me? I'm not above construction--constantly under construction.
The greatest builds happened...
My whole self, would be, incomplete, without, you.
Even in contentment with my own being...
my whole self, would be, incomplete, without, you.
am i to hack the divine programming?
We were wired this way.
Courtesy of the grand architect of the universe--made without tools.
We made tools to build.
Me? I'm not above construction--constantly under construction.
The greatest builds happened...