

'My dearest suvedha'
To my dearest suvedha, my lovely addicted orange.
We may not be that 'close' but you're the first person who got me when I started this kind of journey.
Everytime I post, you were just like my guidepost.
The one who guide me from my deepest words and lift me up to forwards.
You came as a ray of life, just to cheer up my life.

My dearest suvedha, I hope you still remember the day I told you to still continue of what you do.
I always check on you, because I know you were that person who are so down to earth.
Your lovely and heartwarming words are so deep that we cannot chase.
I'm sorry if I forgot you sometimes but always remember that you bring me so much joy to have a friend like you.

My dearest suvedha, why do I feel like you were giving up?
Does this society suffocate you?
Tell us and you will never be alone.
There are some people who will care about you forever.
Life would never have been the same if you hadn't been here, remember that!
People say that in this life you have to earn a friend.
I can declare that I have earned you my dearest suvedha.
Thank you for the encouraging vibes.
Please don't let go!
Keep moving my sister.
© Unatnat03