

My Darkest Days
I don't know
if I can do it
I'm not sure
it can be done
my mind is struggling
to get through it
this battle I fear
cannot be won
if at all
you ever loved me
how could you leave me
here alone
I know you're up there
safe above me
for me it's over
now you're gone
you can't know
what's before me
this heavy weight
my cross to bear
my happiness
has come to pass
wait for me
I will be there
I hope you know
I won't forget you
you changed my life
in many ways
you had to leave
I had to let you
so now I face
my darkest days
I am sure
that I can't do it
I'm not even
going to try
it's to real
I won't get through it
my heart won't let me
say goodbye