

Task at hand
Write a poem been inspired by a project or task be completed – whether it’s crossing something off the never-ending to-do list, or a project you have worked on for a long time.

In turf of duty, tasks unfold
Like the sunrise , stories told
Each one a thread, woven with care
A shade of purpose, beyond compare

With simple steps, a path is laid
A pilgrimage through the day, not delayed
The task at hand, a challenge made
To conquer time, and all that's splayed

Like a ocean's flow, it winds its way
Through valleys deep, and rainy day
It twists and turns, in every place
A winding road, to a peaceful space

The task, a puzzle, to be solved
With pieces falling, like autumn's gold
Each one a clue, to a hidden truth
A mystery unraveled, in youth

With every step, a story's spun
Of trials faced, and battles won
The task, a test, of will and might
A proving ground, for the morning light

Like a flame that burns, it guides the way
Through darkness and doubt, come what may
It lights the path, to a brighter day
And banishes the shadows, night's gray

The task, a bridge, to cross the sea
To distant shores, where dreams await me
A journey's end, where hearts can be
Free from the chains, of uncertainty

With every step, a tale unfolds
Of courage found, and wisdom told
The task, a quest, to conquer fear
And bring forth hope, and banish tears

Like a rainbow's arc, it spans the sky
A promise kept, and a dream come nigh
The task, a gift, to be received
A treasure trove, of love conceived
© sailabby

Photocredit: istockphoto

#poetry #storyteller #beunique #goals #accomplish #task