

Move On
Move on,
That's what everyone keeps saying,
"Let go of the past",
I've heard this way too many times,
My question is however,
"How do you heal with your past present?",
" How do you heal your scars when the reason for your scars is present with you?"
"How do you heal when the person behind your trauma lives with you unscathed?"
"How do I get a closure when my emotions are being triggered by the person behind the trauma daily?"
I wish someone could give me answers, but no one could understand,
people only say and give the best advices when they aren't in a situation as similar as the person they're advising.
To those in a situation like this,
Hang in there, you'll make it out,
Don't give up, not even for a second,
You'll make it out.

© Freya Stone