

life's journey

My life is an open book,
That leads me through every nook,
And every corner of discovery,
Of life's long journey.

A journey that replenishes the dead cells with rejuvenating ones,
yet, wrinkling this earthen box each second.

Like on a cruise, sailing through tides and winds of the reckless mind.
Loaded with bundles of unexpected joys and pains;
Rushing to heights unknown or dropping into unfathomable abyss.

Life's journey:
like a safari in the desert ,where my heart hankers for something that eludes my senses.
Where,each second that ticks away
reveal to my Self that, this yearning can not be quenched from a gnamma,
For, the oasis I seek for, is etched within.

So, I still march on, clasping life's hands in mine, embracing it while it snares me to dive deeper within,
For, there lies the unrevealed secrets of life.
