

I really want you
I just want to shout,
And let my feelings be out,
Silently my life— I'm living,
But still I miss something,
Your love I do miss,
The touch of your lips— A kiss 😘
Forever I want to be with you,
And the entire world, want to view,
O my beloved— only with you,
Coz I really love you,
In these days I was thinking,
That I am so alone,
Really I was sinking,
In sorrow, Coz happiness was gone,
Now ur love enter to my every bone,
Now really I'm not alone,
I promise you the eternal fidelity,
In this tough reality,
I promise it will never die,
And you will never cry,
In the start of the dawn,
I shall wake you up with a kiss,
Love will never be gone,
It will stay as it is,
The feeling of your deeper heart,
Now you can say to me,
Oh my precious! Coz you're the pen,
And I am your diary,
But still not you are,
On me letting your love do fall,
Huuh! I fall in love with her,
Who does not love me at all.

© kuntal