

"In the sun I desire for life
But alas I found thee in agony and fire
A tapestry of pain in soundless ballad
A poem written for what I wish I had
Water drops, wind flows
Tree rustle,hope crumbles

Like a bird in the Cage of the night,
I write my pains in agony's delight
Sparking wildfire,two poets entangled in the realm of lost words with desire.
A piece of grief, invisible canvas
Together we write poetry laced with desire

Sorrow's song, a ballad dark and deep,
A haunting tune, for hearts to keep.
Its notes resound, with sorrow's bite,
A melody of loss, without the light.
A sad refrain, a haunting cry,
A song of pain, that never dies.

Its notes are low, its beat is slow,
A dirge for those who sorrow know.
A rhythm grim, a bass-line deep,
A song of pain, for those who weep.
Its tempo mournful, its tune forlorn,
A hymn of grief, with hopes forlorn.

Though loss and woe can make us weep,
In time, we'll find a way to keep.
Grief's song may hurt, and cause despair,
But through it all, we'll learn and care.
From sorrow's depths, we'll find a way,
To heal our hearts, and start each day.

Though loss may come, and sadness reign,
We'll rise above, and love again.
From pain and grief, a lesson clear,
The strength within, is always near.
Though darkness falls, and shadows grow,
A hidden light, will help us know.

For through the pain, we find release,
A freedom found, a gift of peace.
The songs we sing, can bring relief,
For in the notes, our spirits weave.
The rhythm's beat, can help us cope,
And through the sound, our spirits hope.

A harmony, that fills the air,
Can lift our hearts, and make us care.
When we're asleep, our souls can dream,
Of hope and strength, beyond the seam.
Though sorrow's song, is dark and deep,
The dreams we have, can help us keep.

A quiet rest, a slumber calm,
Can soothe our souls, from sorrow's harm.
As dreams unfold, a memory shown,
Of times gone by, of lives unknown.
The past is present, in slumber's state,
Where memories reign, with no debate.

And as we sleep, the images flow,
Of joy and peace, that come and go.
Though past and pain may weigh us down,
The hope inside, can turn it 'round.
The sorrow's weight, is not the end,
For strength and hope, can help us mend.

Through hurt and pain, we'll find our way,
To rise above, and greet the day
When dawn's light breaks, a brand new day,
Our spirits lift, our fears away.
The night is gone, the darkness flees,
And hope prevails, so joyous, free.

The light of dawn, a gift so sweet,
Brings us new life, with strength replete.
The notes that flow, from sorrow's tongue,
May resonate, and make us strong.
Though dark and deep, the song may be,
Our spirits soar, so let them free.

Let the notes dance, around your head,
And let them fill, your heart, instead.
Inner peace, a gift so fine,
Will come with time, if you unwind.

The tune may play, a sad refrain,
But let it flow, and feel no pain.
For through the song, a lesson learned,
You'll find release, your spirit earned."