

Self love
I don't know what self love means,
How can we try to find good about ourselves,
When we are trapped in darkness.
Whole point of disguise,
Is because we only see the parts we hate.
Forcing ourselves to find good things,
Is just pointless, like we are just making them up.

We only love ourselves,
When others say they love us,
Than you finally able to love yourself.
When someone truly accepts who you are,
Than you can start to forgive yourself,
And suddenly see the good thing you had all along.

So what would you do?
Moving on? do you still want to be silent?
Let's try, I will too.
If you ever feel like life is hard,
And you left behind in the dark,
I am here , I be waiting for you.
We can't keep running forever,
Even our heart is cover in dark shadows,
There come a time when we have to comfort our weakness.

So all those grey days all the tears we have shad,
Will worth something.
It's not like we can suddenly become stronger,
Or anything change really.
Our body will trimble,
But we will face our fears,
What's important is, our weakness inspire us.

© @mellowlrd