

Father's Love 💕❤
In the midst of the hushed whispers of night,
The gentle breaths of my six young stars captivate me.
Each one is a universe of dreams and laughter.
They slumber noisily in their warm beds.
I am the most trusted guardian,
Their storyteller, and the keeper of hugs,
And the quick healer of scraped knees.
I am the only person who scares school bullies.
Just yesterday, these guys sat on my lap and licked their tiny thumbs.

Every morning, I become the master of chaos.
Dealing with quick breakfasts, messy hair, and dirty uniforms.
Mismatched socks and unfinished projects or homework.
I juggle jobs and joys, always fixing a toy with one hand.
And the other is typing away at home as a freelance writer.
The chaps and I are like a rudderless ship on an endless sea.
I understand their anxiety about growing up.
I teach them the principles of hard work and honesty.
Our bond is strengthened by learning together.

I have discovered true resilience that I never knew I had.
Sleepless nights and endless questions have forged my character.
The 'whys' and 'hows' that make up our daily routine.
I marvel at the chaos, for within it lies an unspeakable beauty.
It is a dance of pure joy and unconditional love.
I am both a father and a mentor.

Being a father of six is the most profound challenge of life.
However, it is also the biggest adventure of my life.
It is in each 'I love you, Daddy' that I find my purpose.
In every small triumph, I find my pride. Yes, the weight of responsibility is heavy, But the light of their smiles lifts a thousand burdens.

Every father who embarks on this journey must be aware of the rugged path.
It is lined with the treasures of our children's laughter.
Their soft embrace is warm and comforting.
I am the unsung hero in their bedtime stories.
The fearless warrior against monsters under the bed.
The comforter for their stormy dreams.
I am the father who makes every single day worth savoring.

© Mwebe Morgan