

the trials of Love's grasp
In love's vast maze, emotions intertwine,
A tapestry woven, both tender and fine.
Trials arise, a tempest to face,
Yet passion persists, an unwavering grace.

Through stormy conflicts and shadows that loom, Love finds a path, dispelling the gloom.
A dance of hearts, a delicate chore,
Navigating the trials, forevermore.

Misunderstandings, like whispers of the night,
Test the strength of love, its fervent might.
Yet, in the silence, resilience is found,
As love's melody continues to resound.

Time, the relentless arbiter of fate,
Weaves tales of joy and stories of weight.
In its embrace, love learns to endure,
A flame undying, forever pure.

Through the valleys of doubt and peaks of elation, Love perseveres, an unbroken foundation. Trials may come, a relentless tide,
But love, undeterred, will always abide.

In ages of time, love has rhyme that continues
It's design not for the spoken, not for the maligned, not for the lost souls entined.
Only love speaks its mind.

as the butterflies flow
It does not speak to the boxers or the lost foxes, just the shepherds that guide your love into the light, and darkness falls behind the sight. The doors open, and you follow the path
And then you fall into loves grasp..............

© @David_vs_a_word