

Ghost in my ceiling
In the stillness of the night, a haunting sight,
A female ghost, casting a spectral light.
She lingers in my ceiling, her gaze so cold,
A presence that sends shivers, making me hold.

Her eyes, once vibrant, now empty and blank,
A chilling stare that leaves me in a rank.
Her ethereal form, draped in ghostly white,
A haunting figure that fills you with fright.

She hovers above, with a graceful glide,
Her presence, a mystery you can't hide.
Her spectral whispers, a haunting melody,
Sending chills down my spine, making me uneasy.

But I always say to mysel, fear not, my dear friend, for she's not real,
Just a figment of imagination you feel.
Though her presence may seem terrifying and grim,
Remember, it's your mind playing tricks within.

So take a deep breath, let courage arise,
Face the ghostly apparition with determined eyes.
For in the realm of fear, strength will be found,
And the scary female ghost on my ceiling shall be bound.

#ghost #reality @writco
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