

What are emotions?
Makes you feel happy
Sometimes make you sad,
Cool down, is it making you feel angry?
Shying, it feels like you are in love
Having a wicked smile, is it dangerous
Oh no I am feeling bad, am I sick?

Wait don't run from me
It's my duty to make your feelings
You know na I am gonna follow you

Wait, now give me my answers
If you are sad, why can't you stand by it?
If you are happy, then why do you rush?
If you are angry, why can't you control yourself?
If you are in love, why can't you express it?
If you are going to create havoc, then why do you do?

I am emotion based on you,
Not on how I could be?
Is it my fault? No, It is your fault
You forget this but I don't forget?

Remember you are your plans not of me.