

Sleeping Sky.
This beautiful night is very deep,
The blue night sky has fallen asleep.
You are with me, So I am happy and glad,But,
The moon drown in crying, and the night get's sad,
There is a long and long sadness in my life,
You was my death and you was my life,
I am just a normal husband but you was my brave beautiful wife.

It is very painful, from which I am suffering,
This is the sorrow and sadness spring.
This beautiful night is very deep,
The blue night sky has fallen asleep.

In my beautiful memories garden there is only old sad stories,
This is sorrowes series.
The life partner who were with me,
Is now with no meanings and agree.
This beautiful night is very deep,
The blue night sky has fallen asleep.

Love is today sad, There is a weather of sorrowness and sad,
You have done a series of bad.
This beautiful night is very deep,
The blue night sky has fallen asleep.

-vaishnavi Anand

© vaishnavi Anand