

Religion A wall
The world, Divided into countries..
The humans divided into Christian,Hindu,Sikh and muslim!
The world were not divided into countries from the beggining!
Humans Were Not divided from the Beggining.!!

Friends Converted into Enemies
Love converted into Hate
Relation converted into conflict.

A single country divided into 3different countries..
This division was not caused by good or bad Thing....
This division is not lead by family!!
This division was nor lead by any God!

This division was lead by a religion..
A separate country for muslim and Hindu!!
We were Friends and Family why did we divided and Converted into Enemies?

Why did we converted God into Hindu,Christian and Muslim?
All God were Same and 1(one)..
All humans are Same!!
Why did we Used God to divide into Religion?

Religion is a wall between People!
Religion is a wall between Relationship!
Religion is a wall between love!

Did our God said us to divide and hate?
Conflicts arrive cause of Different Religion!!
Cannot we Stay together with Different Religion
Hating Have Become our Habit Cause of division.
Religion Does not Build but Create Conflict and division!!
Did Our God Said to Hate others?

© Vidhyasha