

Out Of Luck!!!
Have you ever felt like you were slowly losing your very mind?
A feeling that doesn’t feel very kind!
Makes you feel like you’re in such a mental bind!

It’s a sickness in your head that can’t be defined!
Some sense of purpose and normality you’re begging and hoping you can find!
Why is everything you do so undermined?

There was a time you once thought you’d shined!
Needing somewhere alone to go to unwind!
Every ounce of hope your brain has declined!

The pain inside your head you wish you could kill!
Starting to lose all of your mental will!
The voices you hear always in your own mind making you mentally weak and ill!

Into your skull should they drill?
Sometimes often wishing you could take more than one pill!
No happy thoughts in your head to fill!

Every step is like climbing the steepest hill!
Not some fairy tale there’s no Jack and Jill!
This isn’t some kind of joke for the thrill!

Looking in the mirror everyday waiting for it to break!
Constantly thinking you were nothing but a sad mistake!
Are asleep still or are you awake?

You need to be ok again for your own sake!
Not much more can your fractured mind take!
Always struggling with all the agonizing, exhausting, and mental ache!

Gotten too good at putting on a happy face that you always fake!
If you can’t even fix your own damn self then what the hell kind of impact do you think you’ll ever make?
Every devastating and painful inner hatred of oneself slithering around your brain like a venomous snake!

Will you look in the mirror one more time knowing how much you’ve failed and how much you suck?
Thinking to yourself who cares about you anyway you poor and pathetic schmuck!
Every diabolical demon in your head is running amok/amuck!

Sometimes your body feels like it got ran over by a big Mack truck!
Inside your head you’re trapped and stuck!
Like you can’t get out of this mental muck!

You look in the mirror and just want to throw up and say yuck!
No matter what you just can’t seem to get mentally unstuck!
Maybe your time has run out and now you’re out of luck!
© BDawg90