

Destiny's Canvas: Brushstrokes of Dreams
In the depths of one's heart, when earnest wishes reside,
The world transforms around, with a comforting stride.

For in genuine smiles, true happiness gleams,
It's like the reflection of stars in tranquil streams.

Within the chambers of souls, aspirations take flight,
Each dream is a beacon, guiding us through the night.

And as we reach for those stars, high in the sky,
With our efforts and persistence, they never do die.

So cherish your desires, let them burn and be strong,
For they're the melodies in life's eternal song.

With each step you take, with every try and endeavour,
You draw closer to dreams, your heart's treasures to uncover.

In the pursuit of what you love, don't ever despair.
Embrace the challenges, for they make life's journey rare.

And remember, it's the effort, the unyielding might,
That ignites the sparks of destiny, setting them alight.

So, on the canvas of life, paint with hope and grace,
With each stroke of diligence, you'll find your place.

For when you follow your heart, with unwavering trust,
You'll discover that fate shines on those who are just.

© Sunita Saini (Rani)
#loveyouzindagi #me_vs_me #explore_happiness
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