

Do you dare go here?
for you can't take me with,
into the depths of despair,
every day, here to stay, in this place,
where bedtime is your only saving grace,
you will know, no end,
magnanimity does not live here,
even it runs in terror,
when the tears in your eyes and utter being,
won't stop weeping.
in hopes it will stop creeping in.
you immediately stop
and give it a grin,
here it comes again,
non-stop, the perpetual stop,
for everything stop,
when you are lonely,
these hands, these bones,
this skin,I'm stuck in,
these organs burning,
this body shaking,
the insatiable hunger,
this lack of understanding,
this heart shivering,
it's never ending.
no one to care, no one to smile,
no one to giggle, nor laugh,
no one to hear, for no one is here,
if you think you know me,
go ahead and blow me,
for no one knows me,
this is the real guidebook,
the teacher,the knower,
of the loneliest hell,
we started with loneliness and end with loneliness.
© Arcane