

The Suspect Victim
I dreamt of falling down a well,
A narrow tube, deep beneath the earth,
Dark and moist, I saw a small child,
What’s it trying to tell?

Apparitions of the past started creeping in,
I, holding my tummy, blood flowing eruptively,
With excruciating pain and blurry vision,
I saw a woman, a knife on her hand.

Beeping sounds, antiseptic smells
I opened my eyes and saw a man in white robe
Beside him is a woman with killing orbs
She docked and whispered the secret I didn't tell.

Night came, same as a bad dream
I was standing beside a well, looking down
Tears flowing for unknown reason
But face was grinning on the sad scene

A small child is screaming for help
Calling me "Mother", I don't know why
Reaching my hand, soaked of that child's blood
Unbeknownst to her, killing was all in my mind.

I woke up on bed, hands tied at the back
Screaming inaudible words, kicking on air
While gripping the cuts on my wrist
The same woman came and said she was me.

My sight started spinning around,
and light beckoned me out of the ground
Cold sweats dropped as I woke up
I looked at the child sleeping on my lap.

She got her look from her father, my father
Head's throbbing, eyes blackout
I reached for the knife on the drawer
And thrust it towards her direction.

My shaky hands halt
When she opened her eyes and smiled
I stopped in shock and confusion
Contemplating whether I kill her or not.

Blurry scenes strated to play
She, asking me to fight while putting pressure on the wound that I've done to myself
She, saying 'I love you' when I said 'I hate you'
And she, smiling at me when I'm trying to kill her

The sound of fallen knife broke the silence of the night
I clumped on my head as it beats on a painful manner
She stared on my face and said "I love you, mother"
Before leaning forward and hugged me tight.

My heart beats on a painful rhythm
And feel like someone was clumping it hard
Pity and guilt, is what I feel
For the hate I paid on the love that she gave.


© Yadnil Santos