

Hoping for something bigger Is something people lean towards most in a lifetime. People want others to do and make but are they ready to change themselves. Life is tough only how you lead it. Relationship is tough only when you make it. Believing is true to one's own heart or mindset. Peace is found among us when we reach to get it ourselves. Faith is there for us not to lose hope in the thing or being we want. Some will say go, do, come,stop and others to bring you down in so many ways. Search into yourself and look well, there you'll find what you actually need and want to your desires, dreams and hopes.

Always been shouted and screamed at for not doing what they want. It's hard to live in such a world when everyone expect too much from you. Like the things you do aren't enough for them. Then why don't you do it for you and gain a little bit of happiness cause you deserve it too. You are human too. Live the life with love,mercy and giving without any back. I tell you surely you will receive a reward so greatly of a kind in life. Do for you is good but still give the respect and appreciation to your masters either parent or elders within your community. Love your life and and be grateful for every single breath you have everyday you open your eyes. It's a blessing and a miracle itself, life.

Never forget the footing step you had from home to where you are now. It's a blessing to appreciate from where you started till now....
© i don't know