

Echoes of Unanswered Questions.
O beloved, in the intricate dance of our lives, how perplexing it is that we intertwine with each other, yet, alas, we stand separated. what words can adequately capture the essence of this circumstance? the capricious nature of time, with its enigmatic whims, eludes our understanding. why, pray tell, have these newfound distances emerged?
in the canvas of existence, the day without you arrives, bringing with it hours that feel insurmountable. your absence casts a shadow, a void that looms large. as the evening unfolds without the grace of your presence, solitude swells, and my eyes become a brimming river, expressing volumes of unspoken emotions. some suggest discontent, others argue culpability. what explication can sufficiently navigate this quandary? the caprice of time, who truly comprehends its essence? why have these fissures in our connection materialized?
from the depth of my heart, i cherished you. alas, you remained unattainable, a treasure eluding my possession. happiness, it seems, is but a semblance of deception. you, my treasury, persist in eluding my grasp. the articulated sentiments cut through like a blade, and here i stand, solitary, akin to you. the collective sorrow swells, and what words can aptly articulate this circumstance? the whims of temporal passage, who can truly fathom their orchestration? why these newfound separations,
O beloved? the echoes of unanswered questions resonate in the vast expanse of our shared existence.
