

why does it always feel like everyone's against me?
why is is that everyone I love or get close to always leaves?
why does it feel like my own family even hates me?
why must I go through life living in pure misery?
why do I still try knowing no where does it get me?
why always alone am I left to be?
why do people laugh and make fun bc I have anxiety?
why are people so mean and hateful as hell?
why does it seem like everything I try to hard at...I fail?
why did my kids have to be taken from me?
why a mother to my babies can I not just be?
why can't I be happy... hurt and pain free?
why must everyone chose to pick on and belittle me?
so many questions left with no answers for me to forever try to figure out!
I'll die alone in these streets there is no doubt!